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OBJECT: Hiring of specialized company for the construction of several works in the municipality of Francisco Morato / SP., With supply of labor, equipment, tools, vehicles and necessary materials, as detailed descriptions, which refers to Lot I ( Execution of Prédio Type Pró-Infância - CIM Jardim Vassouras) and Lot II (Execution of Prédio Type Pró-Infância - CIM Jardim Morumbi).
CONTRACTOR: City Hall of the Municipality of Francisco Morato / SP.


OBEJECT: Contracting of a company to provide specialized technical consulting services for the execution of services related to the Regionalization Study for the Integrated Management of Solid Waste in the State of Goiás and Elaboration of the Plan for the Integrated Management of Solid Waste of Priority Area and Support to the Implementation of Public Consortia or Similar Model.
CONTRACTOR: Secretary of State of the Cities of the Government of Goiás.

OBJECT: Hiring of a company for construction of nursery school / Vila Margarida - PROINFÂNCIA - PAC2, in order to meet the agreement with the National Fund for the Development of Education - FNDE.
CONTRACTOR: City Hall of São Vicente / SP.

OBJECT: Urban infrastructure (asphaltic paving, recapping, drainage, guides and gutters, and road signs) along the Vila Española neighborhood, and channeling of the Tapera Grande stream in the municipality of Francisco Morato / SP.
CONTRACTOR: City Hall of the Municipality of Francisco Morato / SP.


OBJECT: Execution of "in-loco" shaped guides and gutters and asphalt paving in CBUQ, in Bairro Paraíso, sections of Waldemar Lopes Peres, Jandira Pereira and Félix Costa de Oliveira Streets, in the municipality of Avaré / SP.
CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Estância Turística de Avaré / SP.

OBJECT: Execution of in-loco molded gutters and gutters and asphalt paving at CBUQ, Avenida Donguinha Mercadante, 2nd Section, Left Side, direction Center - Neighborhood, section of Ulisses Coutinho Avenue until the beginning of Positive company in Jardim Paineiras, in the municipality of Avaré / SP.
CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Estância Turística de Avaré / SP.



OBJECT: Hiring of specialized services company to execute and implement road signs horizontal, vertical regulation, vertical warning, vertical orientation and traffic light, on the perimeter city of Jaraguá / GO.
CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Jaraguá / GO.


OBJECT: Construction of a retaining wall on Maria Pedrosa Street, in Parque Belém, in the municipality of Francisco Morato / SP.

CONTRACTOR: City Hall of the Municipality of Francisco Morato / SP.

OBJECT: Execution of in-loco molded gutters and gutters and asphalt paving in CBUQ, Avenida Donguinha Mercadante, excerpt from Dr. Ulisses Coutinho Street to the vicinity of Avenida Governador Mário Covas, Second Slope, Right Side, Direction Center - Neighborhood, in Jardim das Paineiras, in the municipality of Avaré / SP.

CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Estância Turística de Avaré / SP.


OBJECT: Execution of molded gutters and in-situ gutters and asphalt paving in CBUQ, Bairro Paraiso,  sections of Seme Jubram, Waldemar Lopes Peres, Miguel Chibani Back and Paulo Fernandes Alves, in the municipality
of Avaré / SP.

CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Estância Turística de Avaré / SP.


OBJECT: Collection and transportation of solid household and public waste, collection of hospital waste, sweeping  of public roads and public places and landfill operation, in the municipality of Casa Branca / SP.

CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Casa Branca / SP.


OBJECT: Execution of molded gutters and in-situ gutters and asphalt paving in CBUQ, Bairro Paraiso, sections of Emílio Figueiredo Avenues, between Rua Miguel Chibani Back and Rua Seme Jubr am, Rua Valdemar Lopes Peres, between Júlia Alves Esteves Avenue and Paulo Fernandes Alves Street, Miguel Chibani Back Street, between Avenida Júlia Alves Esteves and Rua Paulo Fernandes Alves, Rua Fernando Antônio Tamassia, between Rua Miguel Chibani Back and Rua Seme Jubram, in the municipality of Avaré / SP.

CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Estância Turística de Avaré / SP.



OBJECT: Execution of molded gutters and in-situ gutters and asphalt paving in CBUQ, Bairro Paraiso, section of Rua Miguel Chibani Back and Jandir a Pereira, in the municipality of Avaré / SP.

CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Estância Turística de Avaré / SP.


OBJECT: Implantation of metallic roofs on the platforms of GPs of CEASA Campinas, with supply of materials and services, within Ceasa / Campinas.



OBJECT: Construction of Landfill, located in the Rural Housing Site of Varões, in the Rural Zone of the municipality of São Sebastião do Paraíso / MG.

CONTRACTOR: City Hall of São Sebastião do Paraíso / MG. 

OBJECT: Implantation and removal of spines in "CBUQ" with supply of materials and labor necessary for the implantation of 75 (seventy-five) spines in the municipality of Vinhedo / SP.

CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Vinhedo / SP.


OBJECT: Reform of the Property in the Rural Area (former Motel Florida), located on Highway BR-491 - Km 09, in the city of São Sebastião do Paraíso / MG., for employee accommodation.

CONTRACTOR: Central Energética Paraíso S / A.


OBJECT: Construction of a UBS (Basic Health Unit), located at Rua Alemania, at the corner of Rua José Bandeira Filho, in the Parque das Nações Neighborhood, in the city of Jacutinga / MG., With an area of ​​322.16 m2.

CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Jacutinga / MG.


OBJECT: Paving, earthworks, drainage, complementary services and plant protection, carried out in the Clover of Access to Santa Luzia (BR-381 / MG).
CONTRACTOR: Ministry of Defense / Brazilian Army / Military Command of Plateau / 11th Battalion of Construction Engineering (2nd B Fv / 1938) - Mauá Battalion.

OBJECT: Recapping and paving asphalt with basic infrastructure in several streets and avenues of São
Sebastião do Paraíso / MG., And Ward of Guardinha.
CONTRACTOR: City Hall of São Sebastião do Paraíso / MG.



OBJECT: Construction of guides and sidewalks in Bairro Vila Esperança, with a total area of ​​1,744.46 m², to meet the Municipal Secretariat of Works, in the municipality of Jacutinga / MG.
CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Jacutinga / MG.


OBJECT: Post-deactivation engineering services and analysis of degraded area by ditches installed in the rural area of the municipality of Pouso Alegre / MG.

CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Pouso Alegre / MG.


OBJECT: Hiring of specialized engineering company to carry out completion of construction works of an Olympic Center (1st Stage), in the city of Santa Rita do Passa Quatro / SP., with the supply of hand-work and materials necessary for the complete and perfect implementation of all the elements defined.

CONTRACTOR: City Hall of the Santa Rita Weather Station of Passa Quatro / SP.


OBJECT: Repairs in paving and execution of galleries of rainwater and wing wall, in an excerpt from Rua Sigesmundo Anderman, in Jardim São Manoel, in the municipality of Nova Odessa, State of São Paulo.
CONTRACTOR: Nova Odessa City Hall / SP.


OBJECT: Sweeping, conservation, gardening, pruning of trees, painting of guides, remodeling of sidewalks, enlargement of gardens and flower beds in public squares, central beds and walkways, as well as occasional services and resulting from these records, in the city of Sorocaba, State of São Paulo.
CONTRACTOR: Company of Urban and Social Development of Sorocaba - URBES.


OBJECT: Execution of 02 (two) septic collective sewage cesspits, with provision of projects, material and labor, including watertightness tests, one in the Loteamento Cidade Jardim and the other in Jardim Brasil, in the city of Porto Feliz, State of São Paulo.
CONTRACTOR: Autonomous Water and Sewage Service of Porto Feliz - SAAE / Porto Feliz.

OBJECT: Asphalt pavement and related services in Parque Dom Pedro - 1st Stage, with supply of material, labor and equipment, in the municipality of Araras, State of São Paulo.
CONTRACTOR: Municipal Housing Company of Araras - EMHABA.


OBJECT: Collection and transportation of household solid waste, selective collection and transport of recyclable waste, sweeping
manuals and public roads, complementary cleaning services, landfill operation and operation
of a recycling plant, in the city of Franca, State of São Paulo.
CONTRACTOR: City Hall of Franca / SP.


OBJECT: Expansion of the Water Supply System of the city of Reriutaba, State of Ceará.
CONTRACTOR: Water and Sewage Company of Ceará - CAGECE.

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